THÏAB's Inspiration

The feeling of freedom, a no limit imagination, a creative spark.  These are all the hallmarks of inspiration.  A simple look, a simple colour, an appetizing smell or a kind smile can all ignite a sense of inspiration that help guide us to greatness.  

Here at THÏAB, our inspiration comes from travels, roots, people, and nature, which offer us guidance to live a beautiful life.  This is what free fashion is about !

Discovering and testing new landscapes, shapes, colours, scents and textures is what has always fascinated me about travelling.  The surprise of something new is what awaits when you take risks and explore the unknown.  These discoveries change us fundamentally and allow for truly authentic inspiration to take hold, resulting in a new lease on life and wonderful creations.

A constant challenge is allowing oneself the opportunity to explore and be inspired.  Being able to see the beautiful things in our daily lives becomes challenging with routine, but our goal at THÏAB is to constantly be inspired and break the mold.

That's why by discovering THÏAB, you’ll discover a world of many differences and a source of inspiration in your life.


With love,


Founder, Creative director & Designer of THÏAB @thiab.official